Hi everybody!
Just thought I'd share with you my latest endeavours. The last few years I have lost interest in flash, and specifically creating flash animations. I've never been very good at it, so guess it's not such a big loss. However, since I am a very creative person I've started making music instead. This has always been a great passion in life, so it's not a total U-turn, but since my last personal message on my profile say "Flash fan =)" I feel it was time for an update.
To all my fans, thank you alot! You are a small but wonderful bunch :) if you would like to support me you can visit my page at soundcloud.com (https://soundcloud.com/fhilip-veeborn) and listen to my songs there. I have so much crap on newgrounds that it's hard to filter out the good stuff, but that's what I will be posting on my soundcloud profile, only good stuff, I promise! ;)
I will keep posting stuff on newgrounds, because I've always been a big fan of this site and want to support it anyway I can. I love the community, everybody is really nice, and gives valuable feedback.
My next project is to make metal infused with hardcore dubstep. And I want to make some songs with lyrics, and some without, preferably post-rock. So if you're into either metal, dubstep or post-rock you won't be disappointed. And if you're not into those things, you can have a listen aswell, because my music has always been very original, not like any other, which I like.
Stay tuned, and stay awesome!
Much love,
Cluster / Fhilip Veeborn
Staying awesome.
I know you will! ;)